Materi Perkuliahan

Media waktu menggunakan VBA excel

Dipublikasikan pada : 7 Februari 2021.

Example 2: This procedure uses the OnTime Method to auto increment cell value at specific time intervals, and Stops the procedure after it runs for a specific number of times.

The procedure should be entered in a Standard Module (select Insert>Module, in VBE code window).


Public eTime As Date
Dim count As Integer


Sub CellValueAutoIncr2()
‘This procedure uses the OnTime Method to auto increment cell value at specific time intervals, and Stops the procedure after it runs for a specific number of times.

eTime = Now + TimeValue(“00:00:03”)
Application.OnTime eTime, “CellValueAutoIncr2”, , True
Cells(1, 1).Value = Cells(1, 1).Value + 5
count = count + 1

‘stop the procedure after it runs for 5 times:

If count = 5 Then

Application.OnTime eTime, “CellValueAutoIncr2”, , False

count = 0

End If

End Sub
